the year that was

i stole this from dodo. heheheh! a meme 'the year that was'. :)
i thank all the people who became part of my life.
blessed new year to all.
1. What Did You Do In 2006 That You'd Never Done Before ?
Became more patient. Consume a considerable amount of caffeine. Enjoyed a shoot. Not get out of manila.
2. Did You Keep Your New Years' Resolutions, And Will You Make More For Next Year?
Most of them – getting in the gym, getting more sleep, get back into photography & loving more.Yes, will make more! Hahaha!
3. Did Anyone Close To You Give Birth?
hmm, a few of my friends – no family.
4. Did Anyone Close To You Die?
yes – my mom’s dad.
5. What Countries Did You Visit?
6. What Would You Like To Have In 2007 That You Lacked In 2006?
7. What Date(s) From 2006 Will Remain Etched Upon Your Memory, And Why?
November 4 – cubao field trip. Sept 17 – my birthday I learned my lolo died couple of days back. August 19 – late celebration of our anniversary. Whenever I am with m and my friends.
8. What Was Your Biggest Achievement This Year?
I still have a job and didn’t commit bloody murder
9. What Was Your Biggest Failure?
Staying in shape. Shet. Getting my act together
10. Did You Suffer Illness or Injury?
hmm, just stress. Didn’t have a vacation in the hospital.
11. What Was The Best Thing You Bought?
my digital camera. M’s shirts.
12. Whose Behavior Merited Celebration?
All my besties -- M for his patience. Tabs & annie for making time for me always.My family for sticking around.
13. Whose Behavior Made You Appalled And Depressed?
Hers – very appalled.
14. Where Did Most of Your Money Go?
Clothes, the gym and bpi. Feh.
15. What Did You Get Really, Really, Really Excited About?
going on field trips.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2006?
The Fray’s How to Save a Life, John Mayer’s Dreaming of a Broken Heart, Beyonce's Irreplacable, John Legend's Save Room , Up Dharma Down’s Oo and True Faith’s Cross My Heart and Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back.
17. Compared To This Time Last Year, You Are:
More Stubborn. Driven.
18. What Do You Wish You'd Done Less Of?
Sugar rush. Pissed. Procrastination. Angst. Anxiety.
19. What Do You Wish You'd Done More Of?
Field Trips. Adventure. Gym. Love. Risks.
20. How Did You Spend Christmas?
With balikbayan cousins in a cold room getting fat and bored.
22. Did You Fall In Love In 2006?
always, always. I never stopped since we got together. Also fell in love with coffee.
23. How Many One Night Stands?
24. What Was Your Favorite TV Program?
House, MD., Six Feet Under, the Simpsons, D’yan Banda, that 70’s Show
25. Do You Hate Anyone Now That You Didn't Hate This Time Last Year?
hmm. Lets not dwell on that
26. What Was The Best Book You Read?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Gaiman’s Anansi Boys and Jeniffer Crusie’s Books. And some Kokology.
27. What Was Your Greatest Musical Discovery?
John Mayer’s Continuum
28. What Did You Want And Get?
More love. A digital camera. Patience. True Friends
29. What Did You Want And Not Get?
A new job.
30. What Was Your Favourite Film This Year?
Scorsese’s The Departed, Johnnie To's Exiled, The Prestige, Steven Speilberg’s Munich and Casino Royalethese are all top of mind. I cant seem to remember the rest.
31. What Did You Do On Your Birthday? And How Old Were You?
With my bestie – m. got the shocker of the year and im still younger than him.
32.What One Thing Would Have Made Your Year Immeasurably Satisfying?
A trip out of town with m and more money to blow.
33. How Would You Describe Your Personal Fashion Concept In 2006?
34. What Kept You Sane?
My Saturdays with M. Coffee dates with friends.
35. Which Celebrity/Public Figure Did You Fancy The Most?
Hmm, six feet’s Nate and Daniel Craig
36. What Political Issue Stirred You The Most?
37. Who Did You Miss?
Them All
38. Who Was The Best New Person You Met?
Sila. The working Maun and kelly – very nice girl. and rhea jane. :)
39. Tell Us Valuable Life Lesson(s) You Learned In 2005.
antihistamine is caffeine’s worst enemy – it helps when you pop one when you cant sleep. Don’t expect if you don’t want to be disappointed. we cannot say I love you too much.
40. Quote A Song Lyric That Sums Up The Year:
“What day is it? And in what month?/This clock never seemed so alive/I can't keep up and I can't back down/ I've been losing so much time./ All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right/I'm tripping on words/You've got my head spinning/I don't know where to go from here” – You and Me by Lifehouse


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