reposted from :
broker than broke
someone is telling me about his recent trip from palawan. that i should go there since the fare is dirt cheap. i wish i have money to blow on trips but all my money is being sucked dry by my lust for filters and lenses. haha! *expensive hobby, f*
now, im targetting the canon 18-200mm *nerdtalk*. i seriously need a Sideline since the bugger cost 30k+.
i'll just add the lens on my wishlist for now. =)
Labels: lens , me , photography , wishlist
graphika weekend
i became one of the lucky delegates to attend the GraphikaManila '09 in MOA premiere cinema last Aug 15. and since i'm satisfied with it, i will choose not to bash it.
highlights :
• The Stefan Seigmaster talk -- who made me realize that i shold complain with the peanuts that i get for working and for not taking credit for all the great things i do for work.
• The Industrial Light and Magic Reel & Christian Alzmann -- get a day job that will pay for a dream job until you do your dream job. and he gets to get paid great money to draw robots (something he used to do in Math class1 hahah)
• Brand new school's Ludovic Schorro - love the typography. =)
• and of course, i get to witness the magic with Tabs
i will share some of the photos i took at graphikamanila, MOA and a roofdeck with an inclined ledge. :)
AT MOA before GraphikaManila:
first shot of the day
si supermario ka ba?
Inside MOA Premiere Cinema while waiting for the conference to start:
rak on!
nasan ang noodles???
After the conference inside MOA
view from the back
change venue : Grappas Greenbelt 3
overexposed greenbelt
orange county
happy accident -wasn't my intention to take a photo of the ashtray. hehe
Moving to the roofdeck (not in greenbelt)
is the road on fire?
take two
sorry if i uploaded a lot of photos. hee. got excited. *cheers!*
Labels: arts , graphikamanila , greenbelt , MOA , photography , tabs